Labour’s increased spending, bungling, pay rises to Cabinet members, delays and dithering about the previous administrations savings programme has now created a £10m spending gap in 2014-15, which will be compounded in 2015-16 when a further £50m, nearly £30m more than planned will need to be found.
Conservative Leader, Andrew Lewer said
“It is reprehensible that Labours uncontrolled spending has allowed a situation to arise in the first four months of their administration where an additional £10m needs to be found.
It is ironic that one of Cllr Westerns outrageous criticisms of our Administration, was that we did not do any "modernisation" when in fact we did more in 4 years than they did in 28. Whilst they unthinkingly opposed every single change we made they have of course reverted to type in just a few months."
Cllr Mike Longden added
"Labour now talk of 1600 jobs having to go and yet they plan to introduce the as yet uncosted Living Wage. The question needs to be asked, with a few more years of Labour running Derbyshire County Council: just what staff will be left to benefit from it?”