Derbyshire Labour increasingly show that they are on target to fail to meet savings of £157m. Papers to Cabinet continually highlight that they will fail to meet in-year savings targets, instead pushing the savings further into the future, critically 2015/16.
Shadow Cabinet Member for Council Services Councillor Mike Longden said,
"This continual reluctance to deal with these critical financial issues has marred their administration from the start and has led to them pushing the savings further into the future. By pushing them into 2015/16, which was already highlighted as one of the most difficult years we face means that those problems will be compounded and that could be a disaster for services and service users."
The impact is already being felt by Adult Care in particular with the loss of a key partner Housing 21, in the delivery of new care homes in Derbyshire, signifying the beginning of the collapse of more than £200m of investment in Derbyshire and delivering 800 new beds and 21st century care.
Councillor Wayne Major, Shadow Cabinet lead for Adult Care said,
"Labour's slow start and continual dithering since May last year is now being paid for by future care users. The innovative £200m elderly care package designed to meet future need in Derbyshire, is now in danger of complete collapse and that means DCC will need to throw money into a black hole of crumbling care homes and propping up a creaking and increasingly inadequate care system. Labour is in danger of imploding and taking our most vulnerable residents with them."