Derbyshire Conservatives Make Views Clear on European Elections: We Will Take No Part in Them
Derbyshire County Council Conservative Group overwhelmingly supported a motion earlier this week to not take part in supporting the European Elections and the Leader of the Group Councillor Barry Lewis has written to the Party Chairman to let him know their position on the matter.
Councillor Barry Lewis said,
“This was not an easy decision to take and goes against every natural instinct we have as Conservatives to support our hardworking MEPs and candidates.”
“However, we were promised, following the largest public mandate a UK government has ever received that we would be out by the 29th March. The Prime Minister said we would be out by that date countless times, so did many others in government and yet here we are racing towards the end of April and facing an increased prospect of participating in a European Election in May that should not be happening.”
“More significantly for our residents and local businesses is the fact that the uncertainty continues.”
“Whether you voted to Leave or Remain, the vast majority of people recognise there is a democratic obligation to deliver what was promised and that government should not abdicate their promise to deliver it.”
“Moreover, I informed Brandon that inviting Jeremy Corbyn to the table in an attempt to pass a deal was in our view a serious mistake for the Prime Minister and, consequently, our Party. Especially given the perceived problems of antisemitism and the disturbing brand of left wing views being expressed within the Labour Party under his leadership. Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party under him, deserve no credibility.”